Categoria: Video


We have received the visit of a group of Hawaiian and Canadian cyclists, who have decided to take a 9-day bicycle trip in the Catalan territory. And this has been the result! *Video made by our customers After those intense cycling days this is the opinion about our service: “Just finished a custom 9 day bike tour planned by Lets Velo. A great route was planned by Lets Velo meeting our requested criteria of desired miles per day and elevation gain. Great Specialized road bikes were provided. The route took us on pleasant back roads and through scenic towns. Pleasant inns

A MAN, A TIME, A WINE. Molts vins tenen alguna cosa a explicar, però molt pocs tenen al darrere una història com la de Jean Leon. Poques persones van conèixer tan bé a Jean Leon com Jaume Rovira i Ana Carrión. El primer enòleg, que va treballar colze a colze amb Jean Leon des dels inicis -fins al final- i la seva germana petita. Descobreix el nostre Tours en bicicleta i visita el Celler Jean Leon aquí – PETITS TRESORS

Foto de Maria Rosa Ferré, Video de Punt TV  – – Castellers de Vilafranca